Above the Thunder

10" x 21"


J. Christopher White

Loveland, Colorado

Movement, rare woods and stone, exquisite grain patterns, fluid forms, are all words used to describe the signature style of J. Christopher White. His sculptures, coupled with poetic verse, work together to express touching and eternal truths.

Christopher studied wildlife management at Texas Tech University and anatomy at the National Institute of Fine Arts, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuanto, Mexico. In 2002, he pioneered the “bronzewood meld” technique, which is used to create one-of-a-kind pieces that transition from bronze to wood.

He enjoys hunting the canyonlands of his native West Texas to find a rare piece of wood to create exceptionally unique sculptures. His sculptures have won national and international competitions and have been featured in many articles and books, including Southwest Art and Art of the West Magazine. His sculptures can be found in private collections nationally and internationally, and many of his pieces are publicly placed in corporations, museums, hospitals, and churches. Learn more at www.parablesinwood.com.