Blue Jay

30” h


Don Rambadt

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

"I sculpt because I enjoy the challenge of manipulating space, I choose birds as my subject matter because they fascinate me to no end." Using birds as a point of departure for his welded sculptures, Don explores the relationship between positive and negative space and manipulates this interplay to give the impression of life and movement in his work. Although somewhat abstract, his artwork is firmly based on anatomical accuracy and fidelity to his subject’s character.

After completing his BFA in sculpture and a summer printmaking workshop in Florence, Italy, Don began sculpting part-time while partnering in the establishment of a full-service sculpture foundry where he specialized in the casting and fabrication of monumental bronze sculptures. In 1997, Don began to focus on the development of his artwork and in 2001 left the foundry business to pursue sculpting and exhibitions full-time. While making this transition, Don also taught an Introduction to Welded Sculpture course at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design in Milwaukee.

For more information, visit