Bocote Dance

18” x 18” x 12”


Scott & Stephanie Shangraw

Ramah, New Mexico

Scott and Stephanie reside in the rural mountain area of Candy Kitchen, New Mexico. They were both involved in the arts from an early age, from painting, drawing, and scratchboarding to vocal performance. This history has evolved into their passion of working with wood together.

Scott began his love of woodworking in high school and is mostly self-taught. Scott and Stephanie started creating fine furniture over twenty-five years ago, and in 2004 began carving bowls to have smaller items available for art shows. That evolved into carving vessels and sculptures using a chainsaw and grinders that became more elaborate and sculptural in design, with tunnels, waves, and folds. They love the fact that the vessels and sculptures bring out their artistic freedom and allow them to express their visions from within themselves, working with influences from nature.

Scott and Stephanie are award-winning artists showing in museums and galleries, and their work is sought after by collectors from all over the world. See more of their work at