

1.     Each artist must display at least 7 and no more than 9 sculptures. One-of-a-kind, non-edition artists will be allowed to bring up to 6 additional pieces, for a total of 15. Additional pieces will be held in the warehouse for the artists until needed, to keep 9 pieces displayed. These pieces must be individually wrapped and labeled.

2.     The artist’s inventory MUST be submitted to the office by the noted deadline, or the artist will be required to pay an administrative fee to cover overtime wages.  It takes less time for the office to change portions of the artist’s inventory than it does to input the complete inventory at the time of check-in.  The office should know what you are bringing before you leave your home to check in on Thursday.

3.     All work exhibited at the show must be available for purchase at the show. In addition, at least 75% of the work must have been created within the last 3 years. Feedback from patrons indicates that it is very important for the show to include new pieces each year.  

4.     Based on feedback from our patrons and previous years’ sales, it is recommended that your inventory include at least 1 piece under $1,000 and several pieces that have not been in previous shows.

5.     Sculpture exhibited at the 2024 Sculpture in the Park Show and Sale cannot be simultaneously shown or sold at any other Loveland or Fort Collins location.

6.     If your work is shipped to the show, it must be received at the shipping agent’s warehouse the Wednesday before the show to be assured the work will be available for set up at Artist Check-In, Thursday, August 8th.  All shipping costs to and from the show (for unsold pieces) will be the sole responsibility of the artist. Shipping costs for sold pieces are the responsibility of the buyer unless other arrangements are noted on the sales invoice.

7.     For insurance reasons, non-show pieces will not be allowed on the show grounds.


The Event:


8.     In the interest of consistency throughout the show, Sculpture in the Park Show and Sale provides all pedestals and mounting panels for the artist’s display. Use of pedestals and mounting panels other than those provided by the show is not allowed. Pedestals are provided on a first-come basis. Arrive early to get the best selection.

9.     Electricity is provided for pieces requiring power for fountain pumps, neon lights, etc. Electricity is not provided for any other purpose. General display lighting is not allowed.

10.  Artist check-in is Thursday, August 8th, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The artist or their representative must be present to check in the inventory, sign off on the insurance, and set up the display. If you are shipping your work to the show, you or your representative still must be present to check in your sculpture and set up your display area. All work must be on the show grounds and the artist’s display must be set up by 3:00 p.m. Thursday.

11.  All pieces must remain in the show until closing time at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday unless it is a one-of-a-kind piece for which there is a replacement piece to be displayed. In order to avoid traffic congestion at the end of the show, volunteers will begin picking up purchased pieces for delivery to the buyer’s car starting at 2:30 pm on Sunday.

12.  Some tent locations are pre-assigned to accommodate artist’s special needs.

13.  All artists are expected to attend the Sculpture in the Park Show and Sale.  If you are unable to attend, you must have a representative. To avoid any conflict of interest, the artist representative must not be an employee of a gallery. Artist representatives will also be expected to abide by the artist’s policies.



14.  All sculpture purchases are handled through the main sales office. The LHPAC receives one-third (1/3) of the purchase price as a commission on all show sales. All artists must honor this agreement for sales during the show and for after-show sales that occur as a result of the show. To ensure the future of the Sculpture in the Park Show and Sale, every sale is important.  NOTE: Pre-show sales resulting from LHPAC promotional efforts should also be passed on at a commission rate of 15%. 

15.  Payment in full will be expected at the time of the purchase. Artists cannot arrange for time payment plans with a customer, except for a few orders for high-priced pieces.

16.  Prices for pieces under $5,000 are not negotiable. Any price negotiations on pieces over $5,000 must be handled through the Tent Manager and must occur before a sale is completed.

17.  The first customer to purchase a piece is entitled to take the display piece.